During a traffic stop, the police must have probable cause before they can arrest a driver for drunk driving. For example, a driver who admits to drinking may be arrested. However, it isn’t always that simple. The police may need to test drivers to prove their...
What is a per se DWI violation in Texas?
Some driving while intoxicated (DWI) arrests occur because someone harmed other people. Police officers responding to the scene of a collision may require that the parties involved perform chemical tests to establish whether they are under the influence of drugs or...
Do you have to tell the police if you’ve been drinking?
If a police officer pulls you over, they may ask you if you’ve had anything to drink tonight. It’s one of the most common questions, along with things like asking where you’re headed, if you know how fast you were driving or where you’re coming from. But people are...
How medical issues could lead to a Texas DWI charge
Most people arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI) offenses in Texas simply had too much to drink before they got behind the wheel. Someone who is over the legal limit for their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) could face criminal prosecution. There are...
3 components of standardized field sobriety testing
Being pulled over for the suspicion of drunk driving is a disheartening experience. Once this happens, the police officer has to determine if the driver is impaired. Police officers have a few options they can use to do this. Chemical tests, including blood or breath...
What happens during a DWI traffic stop?
The police can pull over vehicles if they suspect a driver is committing a crime, such as drunk driving. It’s relatively rare to get pulled over by the police, so it can come as a surprise when it happens. Drivers may want to prepare for a traffic stop by...
The consequences of some fatal DWI crashes are about to increase
A DWI charge in itself is a serious matter. A conviction can follow you in ways you may not have anticipated for the rest of your life. If someone is injured or killed in a collision caused by a drunk or drugged driver, that driver will face even more serious charges....
3 factors that can worsen DWI charges in Texas
When compared with other traffic infractions, driving while intoxicated (DWI) allegations are among the most serious violations possible. However, when compared with Texas criminal charges that may lead to incarceration and a record, a DWI might not seem as serious as...
How Does Someone Qualify For Dwi Court In Dallas County?
After the state files criminal charges against someone, that individual has to enter a plea and then, if they have not pled guilty, they will need to prepare for trial. A conviction will result in a criminal sentence and a lasting criminal record that could turn up...
What’s The Problem With Focusing On The Bac Limit?
Most drivers have heard of the 0.08 % blood alcohol content (BAC) limit. They know that they need to stay under it if tested by the police. Otherwise, the officers will arrest them for driving while intoxicated (DWI). What many people fail to realize is that this is...