Criminal cases, depending on the classification and severity of the crime, carry with it the possibility of a prison sentence. Some crimes call for sentences under six months while others may subject a criminal defendant to life in prison or capital punishment. These...
How To Erase A Criminal Record: A Guide To Texas Expunction Process
To expunge means to erase or remove something (usually unpleasant). In Texas, the act of erasing or removing a criminal record from your record is called an expunction. The Open Records Act Texas’ Open Records law requires arrest records to be made available to the...
A Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Pursues Nondisclosures
Many people today are living with criminal convictions for actions and behavior from their past. Criminal convictions often have consequences way after time has been served, community service completed, or fines paid. Through the process of nondisclosure, a person...
Are Breathalyzers Accurate?
Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a crime in all 50 states. For the most part, a suspected drunk driver with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of .08% or higher is presumed to be legally intoxicated, triggering an arrest and subsequent charge for DWI. The...