If a person is using drugs with a friend who suffers what appears to be an overdose, should they still be arrested and charged with a drug-related crime even though police wouldn’t have found out about it if they hadn’t done the right thing and sought emergency help...
Failing A Field Sobriety Test Doesn’t Mean That You’re Drunk
For many people pulled over because an officer suspects them of intoxication at the wheel, a field sobriety test may feel like a form of public humiliation and cruel punishment. A driver has to exit their vehicle and proceed to perform physical tasks under the course...
Are There Any Tricks You Can Use To Sober Up?
In many DWI cases, the initial problem is that the person needed to drive at that time and they were not yet sober enough to do so legally. For instance, they were at the bar when the establishment closed, and they needed to drive home. They felt like they didn’t have...