Have you been on Facebook recently and seen a mugshot of a friend, family member, or acquaintance in your news feed? The mugshot is usually accompanied by a description of the cause of arrest – and increasingly targets suspected drunk drivers. The mugshot is published...
The Constitutional Rights Of Drunk Drivers
Drunk driving is a dangerous practice. In addition to being a crime – misdemeanor and felony – the loss of life and injury caused by drunk drivers is devastating to communities. In a rush for judgment and enforcement of drunk driving laws, sometimes local governments...
The Textalyzer
The textalyzer sounds like the name of a villain in a comic book series. If New York State gets its way, the textalyzer will soon accompany police officers and be part of driving while texting case investigations, as one of the tests conducted at the point of...
Drunk Drivers Kill People
Drunk driving is a problem that affects all members of a community. When one hears of someone dying because of a crash involving a drunk driver, one naturally assumes the other party was driving a vehicle as well. Drunk drivers do not discriminate. They kill other...