If a police officer pulls you over, they may ask you if you’ve had anything to drink tonight. It’s one of the most common questions, along with things like asking where you’re headed, if you know how fast you were driving or where you’re coming from. But people are...
How medical issues could lead to a Texas DWI charge
Most people arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI) offenses in Texas simply had too much to drink before they got behind the wheel. Someone who is over the legal limit for their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) could face criminal prosecution. There are...
3 components of standardized field sobriety testing
Being pulled over for the suspicion of drunk driving is a disheartening experience. Once this happens, the police officer has to determine if the driver is impaired. Police officers have a few options they can use to do this. Chemical tests, including blood or breath...
Texas has cracked down on catalytic converter theft
Catalytic converter thefts have become an increasingly popular way to make money for those not concerned with breaking the law. That’s why states across the country are taking action to try to curb this trend. This summer, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed a bill into law...
Altering Texas price tags can lead to criminal charges
Shoplifting or retail fraud manifests in many different forms. The most obvious is a grab-and-dash scenario. People go into a store, pick up items and then promptly leave without paying. Other times, people employ more sophisticated methods of shoplifting to reduce...
What happens during a DWI traffic stop?
The police can pull over vehicles if they suspect a driver is committing a crime, such as drunk driving. It’s relatively rare to get pulled over by the police, so it can come as a surprise when it happens. Drivers may want to prepare for a traffic stop by...
The penalties for Texas fentanyl-related crimes just got harsher
There’s no doubt that fentanyl is one of the most dangerous drugs around. Even a tiny amount of this opioid can seriously harm or kill a person. Last year, over 2,000 deaths in Texas were caused by fentanyl. With the number of fentanyl deaths on the rise, Texas Gov....
How Texas handles possession with intent to distribute cases
Texas has a reputation for enforcing its drug laws relatively strictly. Offenses that may only lead to tickets or that don't even trigger prosecution in other states could be a felony in Texas. For example, simple possession of certain substances in questionable...
3 types of theft in Texas that can lead to felony charges
Texas has numerous rules about different types of property crime. Theft offenses range from burglary and robbery to shoplifting. Generally, one of the most important considerations when the state files theft charges against an individual is the value of the property...
Is it a crime to loan medication to a friend or relative?
Your mom ran out of her Xanax and the pharmacy says that there’s a delay in the supply chain somewhere, so you don’t see any harm in giving your mom a few of the pills you take for anxiety while she waits. Or, maybe your buddy hurt his back helping you move, so you...