If you have been arrested in Texas, you may wonder if an expunction is an option. expunction is a legal process that allows individuals to remove certain criminal records from public view.
It can be a great way to start fresh and move on with your life. But do you qualify for an expunction in Texas?
Who is and isn’t eligible?
In Texas, an individual may be eligible for expunction if they have been arrested and not convicted of a felony or misdemeanor offense. In addition, some convictions for crimes committed as a minor are also eligible for expunction.
However, certain types of crimes are ineligible for expunction in Texas. These include:
- Murder
- Domestic violence
- Human trafficking
- Sex offenses
In addition to having an arrest record unrelated to the above offenses, a person must meet other criteria to qualify for expunction in Texas.
- The person must have completed all court-ordered sentences for the offense
- The charge cannot be currently pending against the petitioner
- No charges based on the same conduct can be pending against the petitioner
If the court approves the petition for expunction, the offense will be removed from the individual’s criminal history and force state agencies and private entities to delete all related records.
If you think you may qualify for expunction but aren’t sure what steps to take next, it’s best to consult with someone who can help guide you through the process. It’s essential to ensure that your rights are protected throughout the entire process and that your record is properly cleared so that it doesn’t come back to haunt you later on down the road.