This is part two of a continuing series on DWI laws and penalties in Texas Criminal Court. The first post in this series examined general drivers’ license requirements for obtaining driving privileges in Texas. Attention was paid to general information about DWI...
Dwi Laws And Penalties In Texas Criminal Courts (Part I)
Many people are familiar with DWI charges in Texas. In fact, the Texas Department of Public Safety publishes a Texas Driver Handbook that contains an entire chapter on the topic of the impact of alcohol and drugs on driving ability. The written exam portion of the...
Helicopters, Fire Trucks, And Automobiles
The 1987 film Planes, Trains, & Automobiles is a comedy starring Steve Martin and John Candy that follows the trials and tribulations of a man traveling home for Thanksgiving and how he copes with the breakdown of various forms of transportation in the company of...
Alcohol Impaired Driving And Crashing Into Homes
Many cases involving alcohol impaired driving end in a collision. The impaired driver may strike another car, truck, or motorcycle, and may even strike a pedestrian or bicyclists. Some of these collisions, however, end with the impaired driver crashing into a home....
How Are Dwi And Dui Cases Punished In Texas?
Criminal cases, depending on the classification and severity of the crime, carry with it the possibility of a prison sentence. Some crimes call for sentences under six months while others may subject a criminal defendant to life in prison or capital punishment. These...
How To Erase A Criminal Record: A Guide To Texas Expunction Process
To expunge means to erase or remove something (usually unpleasant). In Texas, the act of erasing or removing a criminal record from your record is called an expunction. The Open Records Act Texas’ Open Records law requires arrest records to be made available to the...
A Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Pursues Nondisclosures
Many people today are living with criminal convictions for actions and behavior from their past. Criminal convictions often have consequences way after time has been served, community service completed, or fines paid. Through the process of nondisclosure, a person...
Are Breathalyzers Accurate?
Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a crime in all 50 states. For the most part, a suspected drunk driver with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of .08% or higher is presumed to be legally intoxicated, triggering an arrest and subsequent charge for DWI. The...
DWI And Cyclists Car Crashes
Last month a woman, while driving in Athens, Georgia, crossed the center lane in the road and crashed into a group of cyclists riding on the same roadway. One of the cyclists, a student at the University of Athens, was struck head-on and killed instantaneously. The...
Parenting No-Nos: Texting Teens While They Are Driving
Parents these days are being scrutinized more when they are perceived to be helicopter parents. A helicopter parent is a parent who pays extreme attention to a child’s experiences and problems in order to solve his or her problems or difficulties. The accompanying...